Think about Carrier411 placing a freightguard on you before you cuss out that broker; cancel that load, double broker a load or run late… do not call the broker or give him updates- refuse to track a load.
The more I learn about Carrier411 Freightguard, the more I can’t believe the power they hold. Brokers are the most important people in transportation, whether you want to believe it or not. They hold the key to us making money. They control the loads, the rates and us getting paid. They even can control your businesses fate if you cross them. So you need to read this.
How did I learn and what got me researching it?
I got a message from one of our members, asking me if I know any dispatchers that are good and could help them. They are having problems finding loads. I often connect member drivers with our Preferred Dispatchers and Fleet operators looking for drivers. There are some very shady dispatchers out there and we get a lot of drivers contacting us that they were scammed, didn’t get paid, were overcharged, or unqualified to run a business. So, I connected them with my friend, a trusted dispatcher.
My buddy really connects with them. He is from San Antonio and has contacts there. They are also from South Texas so it was a perfect fit.
The next day he called me and told me that he is having trouble with brokers not wanting to book them and he doesn’t know why. We talk and he decides to try and find out more from a broker he has a great relationship with. He calls me back and tells me that the problem is that they have a Freightguard on Carrier 411 and that most brokers use this to check up on drivers.
Turns out Freightguard is used industry wide by brokers, carriers, factoring companies, and shippers. The dispatcher they had before used their MC # to book a load for another driver and they had filed a Freightguard for double brokering on Carrier411. Now most brokers wouldn’t touch them.
We contacted different people that I knew, my factoring contacts, Austin Ablr, a trusted dispatcher and friend, and I did research on it. I posted on some of my groups, asked on Bad Broker 411, and I learned a lot about this. There were so many bad experiences and stories. I was even contacted by someone who had been fighting them for a long time, even tried to sue them. It was all bad news.
The one thing I did learn. Once you get a bad mark, you are hit and there is nothing that you can do to remove it. Many had tried. During my research, a member posted on one of my groups that they had been blackballed because they had held on to a load because the broker would not pay for overnight storage or detention time. They felt they were completely in the right, but most do not read the fine print. You must deliver according to your contract and ratecon. They are paying for the misguided decision now because they are blacklisted now.
So what is this Carrier411 and what is a Freightguard?
Brokers created a platform that can help protect them from carriers that do not carry out the work. These things include not following the fine print of the agreement. Perform the job in a timely manner. Do not keep in contact with the broker or track your loads as requested. Basically, anyone that does not comply with instructions.
What can they do if they feel you have violated the terms of your contract or agreement?
First, they will write a report to your MC on the platform “Carrier 411”. You should know that all brokers usually check a company/MC record on this platform before they book a load with a carrier. It is all integrated into their system. It is like checking your credit score before giving you credit. Much like we do them to check a broker’s credit.
Reasons they can file a Freightguard (FGR) on your MC:
- #1 Driver doesn’t call or report that a load wasn’t picked up or received.
- #2 Cancellation with no reason or within two hours of picking up.
- #3 Deceptive or unfair business practices. This includes double brokering, using another’s MC #, Lying about details, locations, equipment, that you picked up load and haven’t, saying you are empty, and you aren’t.
- #4 Not following instructions and terms of agreement, Ratecon, staying in contact with broker, tracking and failing to communicate with contacts if required.
Not all will file an FGR for any reason but they hold the cards so they make the rules.

How can you keep from getting a FGR filed on your MC? Respect the rules. Run your business like a business and live up to the agreement you have signed.
How can you remove a FGR filed against your MC? Almost impossible, so that means being careful. Don’t let your emotions and anger get you into something you will regret. Businesses have been lost because of this. I read so many stories while I was researching this. There have been many attempts to censor, sue, and shut them down but nothing can be done. I saw that a MoveOn Petition to close them down was even being circulated.
Carrier 411 monitors through the licensed use of over 18-20 FMSCA sources. All MCs complete compliance records, safety data, driving records, violations, and history of every driver. Carrier 411 is a leading carrier monitoring service that provides the ability to qualify and monitor trucking companies for changes in insurance, operating authority, carrier safety ratings and more.
They use the combined data to determine an MC’s Quality of service. Whether past performance and vehicle maintenance, financial duress, can cause an MC to be targeted by the FMCSA. They monitor and report Clearinghouse data on drug and alcohol, Driver safety and HOS usage compliance, among many other factors.
This data is widely used in negligence hiring and vicarious liability, negligent selection of a motor carrier lawsuits for nuclear verdicts against carriers and brokers. So they take this information very seriously and will not use drivers with blemished records.
It is widely mistrusted and despised as giving unethical brokers too much power to destroy a trucking business. It gives unscrupulous brokers a tool to deny payment, exact vengeance, and does not let the carrier read or respond to allegations or reports.
Carrier 411 is not the only carrier monitoring service, but it is the largest and most used industry wide.
I write about a lot of topics, most of which are my views or opinions. This article needs to be taken very seriously. I did a lot of research and talked to people in the industry that I trust. You need to consider the consequences of how you do business with brokers and their customers. Remember they are their clients, not ours, like it or not, they are playing with a stacked deck.
Here are a couple of comments from drivers on a YouTube video about the founder of Carrier 411 that sums it all up.
kibrom Hidru
So many families get destroyed by false reports on Carrir411 and they can do nothing about the misinformation.
Robert Cussen
Carrier411’s file on my company is not matching the FMCSA website and it has prevented me from getting loads because Carrier411 is report that I don’t have MC authority even though the FMCSA Safer website shows that my MC is ACTIVE and AUTHORIZED TO HAUL and have had operating authority for 8 MONTHS! Carrier411 won’t communicate talk to the trucking company even if the carrier just wants them to update their files. I don’t know what to do to correct this.
Arlene Mattingly
Carrier411 is reporting inaccurate information about my company, and they do not provide an avenue to resolve or correct the problem. I feel kind of bad for the brokers that are using this service. I believe what they are doing is defamation of character. I’m going to seek legal action against them. I think all carriers should